
The Bull is a place for writers looking for a place to write. This collaboration began as we each found ourselves studying as part of Southeastern Seminary’s various distance learning programs, serving together at Crosspoint Church in Clemson, SC, and eager to get our thoughts on paper. While we are most passionate about discussing the Bible and its outworking in our lives, we each love to discuss sports and culture as well but found little opportunity to write in these areas–enter in, The Bull.

Our desire is for The Bull to have well written, theologically sound articles alongside freshly opinionative pieces on any number of different topics. We aren’t a theology blog per se, but we aren’t just sports blog either. We are both. Think of us as The Gospel Coalition meets The Ringer.

We know there are more writers out there looking for an outlet just like The Bull, so if you have an interest in writing for The Bull let us know.

Oh, and why is it called The Bull?

You had to be there.